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Atlantean Pantheon



The Atlanteans embody order and worship the ancient Titans, who each offer a powerful and versatile bonus. Atlantean God Powers are generally less powerful than other pantheon, but are cheaper to cast and recharge quickly, making them exceptionally adaptable. 

Age of Empires III fans will feel comfortable with the Atlantean Citizens, who stockpile resources without needing dropsites. Their units from the Barracks may be easily countered, but players who pay close attention to opposing armies can mix in units from the dedicated Counter Barracks, easily putting their opponent on their back foot. And with enough resources, Atlantean players can turn any of their units, including Citizens, into heroes, to form a powerful army with an exceptional economy. 

Major Gods



Ruler of the Titans.

Focus: Siege and Myth Units.

God Power – Deconstruction: Target an enemy building to deconstruct it. The target player will get their resources back but lose the building.

  • Buildings can be time-shifted to a new location.
    • Towers and Palaces at a cost to shift, other buildings are free.
  • Buildings built near Manors build faster per nearby Manor.
  • Lost siege and myth units return some of their resource cost.


Lord of the skies.

Focus: Human Soldiers.

God Power – Shockwave: Target a location on the map to send enemy units flying, stunning them for a few seconds.

  • Can build Sky Passages.
    • The first one is free.
  • Infantry move faster.
  • All units have increased Line of Sight.
  • Damaged enemy units remain visible for a small amount of time.


Goddess of the earth.

Focus: Economy and Buildings.

God Power – Forest: Select a location to grow a Gaia Forest. Villagers gather wood faster from Gaia Trees.

  • Start with Hero Citizens and promoting Citizens to heroes costs less.
  • Town Centers, Village Centers, Manors, and Economic Guilds grow Lush.
  • Lush heals friendly units and buildings.
  • Economic Guild upgrades cost less and can be researched an age early.


Ruler of the Titans.

Focus: Siege and Myth Units.

God Power – Deconstruction: Target an enemy building to deconstruct it. The target player will get their resources back but lose the building.

  • Buildings can be time-shifted to a new location.
    • Towers and Palaces at a cost to shift, other buildings are free.
  • Buildings built near Manors build faster per nearby Manor.
  • Lost siege and myth units return some of their resource cost.


Lord of the skies.

Focus: Human Soldiers.

God Power – Shockwave: Target a location on the map to send enemy units flying, stunning them for a few seconds.

  • Can build Sky Passages.
    • The first one is free.
  • Infantry move faster.
  • All units have increased Line of Sight.
  • Damaged enemy units remain visible for a small amount of time.


Goddess of the earth.

Focus: Economy and Buildings.

God Power – Forest: Select a location to grow a Gaia Forest. Villagers gather wood faster from Gaia Trees.

  • Start with Hero Citizens and promoting Citizens to heroes costs less.
  • Town Centers, Village Centers, Manors, and Economic Guilds grow Lush.
  • Lush heals friendly units and buildings.
  • Economic Guild upgrades cost less and can be researched an age early.

Minor Gods Spotlight



Titan of water.  

Focus: His improvements help your infantry. 

Myth Unit: Caladria, Servant. 

God Power – Carnivora: Oceanus sends his man-eating plant to defend his followers.



Titaness of sight.

Focus: Her improvements help your cavalry.

Myth Unit: Stymphalian Bird, Dryad.

God Power – Hesperides: Select a location to create a tree that heals friendly myth units and can train Dryad myth units.



Titan of endurance.

Focus: His improvements help your infantry.

Myth Unit: Centimanus.

God Power – Implode: Target a location to encase your and allied soldiers, myth units, and ships with bronze, reducing their vulnerability in combat.



Titan of water.  

Focus: His improvements help your infantry. 

Myth Unit: Caladria, Servant. 

God Power – Carnivora: Oceanus sends his man-eating plant to defend his followers.



Titaness of sight.

Focus: Her improvements help your cavalry.

Myth Unit: Stymphalian Bird, Dryad.

God Power – Hesperides: Select a location to create a tree that heals friendly myth units and can train Dryad myth units.



Titan of endurance.

Focus: His improvements help your infantry.

Myth Unit: Centimanus.

God Power – Implode: Target a location to encase your and allied soldiers, myth units, and ships with bronze, reducing their vulnerability in combat.

Myth Unit Spotlight


Argus is an amorphous creature covered with bulbous eyes. When threatened, the Argus forcefully excretes a sticky blob of acid from its many specialized tear ducts. Creatures trapped in this acid have little hope of survival. Argus also uses this acid to partially pre-digest its food. 

Hera’s Argus served her faithfully until the god Hermes slew him. Zeus had commanded Hermes to trick Argus and slay him so that the philandering god could recapture one of his lovers, Io, from his jealous wife. Hera honored Argus’ sacrifice by placing his eyes on the tail of her sacred peacock. Io, who had endured all this in the form of a pure white cow, was saved only to plunge into what is now called the Ionian Sea. 

  • Can attack with a blob of acid that instantly kills most opponents. Good against human soldiers. 

Tartarian Spawn

These frighteningly destructive creatures are the offspring of Nyx and Cerberus. Nyx was a very ancient god of Night and the daughter of Chaos. Cerberus was the three-headed dog, a guardian of the Underworld. Oranos banished these creatures to Tartarus to rid himself of their ghastly presence, but also because he could not control them. They came when he called, but obeyed no commands thereafter.

  • Released from the depths of Tartarus and hostile to all. Good against human soldiers and buildings.


These nymphs were the attendants of Hekate, an unbound Titaness, gifts from Zeus for her allegiance in the Titanomachy. The Lampades served their mistress unflinchingly, bearing torches for her through the dark places of the earth and Underworld. The light of their torches brought visions to mortals and often the visions brought madness. The Lampades defended Hekate with their torches just as the Titaness herself fought in the wars of the gods.

  • Can invoke chaos on units at range. Good against human soldiers.

Human Unit Spotlight


Atlantis fought war after war on the choppy Mediterranean Sea. Its warship – the bireme – struck an excellent balance between ramming power and maneuverability. The pentekonter and trireme were effective Greek attempts to improve upon Atlantean designs, though the bireme returned to prominence over time.

  • Arrow ship. Good against close-combat ships.


The Atlantean Oracle is slow, weak in combat, and cannot see far while moving, but when standing still his line of sight grows to that of a tower.Ancient Atlanteans relied heavily on the priestly class for leadership and guidance. Oracles were priests who used a form of deep meditation to see beyond what normal sight would allow. Oracles were scouts and lookouts for Atlantean armies. It is debatable as to whether their great sight was granted by the Titans or was merely the product of a deep attunement with their environment.

  • Scout whose line of sight grows when immobile. Cannot attack. Generates Favor.


The swift, front-armored Atlantean Turma is exceptionally good against ranged soldiers but is weak against all other units.
The training of the Atlantean turma was very focused and dangerous, requiring years to perfect. Both horse and rider had to be athletic, tough and fast. A veteran turma could kill a bird in flight with a well-aimed javelin throw. The horses, descended from wild Atlantean stock, were no less exceptional. These horses were so prized that capturing even one from the Atlanteans in battle was considered great fortune – even if the battle itself was lost. Many great bloodlines were bred in other regions by such captured Atlantean stock.

  • Counter to ranged soldiers. Mounted javelineer only good against other ranged soldiers.

Wonder Age

Atlantean Unique Building

Each pantheon in Age of Mythology: Retold has the ability to construct one unique building, it’s Wonder of the World. Wonders are expensive and take a long time to build but mark a pantheon as one of outstanding achievement. Building a Wonder counts significant points towards your pantheon’s score, and may result in a win, depending on the victory conditions for a game.

Constructing a Wonder advances the pantheon to the Wonder Age, where the Gods will reward you with great world ending power.

  • Favor: +1 Favor per second.
  • God Powers: -50% cost and -90% cooldown.
  • Myth Unit and Titan: +50% Attack Damage and Hitpoints.
  • Myth Units and Titans: +15% Speed.
  • Titan Gate: Can be rebuild every 10 minutes.

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