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The Art of War: Dive Deeper into Battlefield Strategy

The Art of War missions are short challenges designed to help players who are looking to learn the basics of Age of Empires II.  The original five challenges helped lay the groundwork of your civilization: teaching you how to build an economy, grow your civilization rapidly, raise an army, defend against aggression from your opponents, and quickly progress through the Ages.

In our March update, four brand-new missions were added to help you continue building on that knowledge:

  • Land Battle: Learn about unit counters and basic maneuvers on the battlefield.
  • Destroying a Castle: Learn about early siege attacks against fortified positions.
  • Naval Battle: Learn about water combat and how to prevail on the high seas.
  • Battle Formations: Learn when and how to use formations to keep your troops alive and outmaneuver the enemy.

Give them a try, and then keep practicing until you can achieve a Gold medal in each challenge; this will ensure that you have the fundamentals you need to succeed on the live battlefield!

We’d love to hear your feedback or see your progress in these challenges. Leave a comment below or start up a thread to talk with others in the community on our official forums!

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