Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne d’Arc is a variant of Age of Empires IV’s French civilization and available with The Sultans Ascend Expansion.
From humble beginnings, Jeanne d’Arc embarks on the Journey of a Hero. Jeanne embodies hope for the French people, taking to the battlefield and leading the charge by taking on several different roles. Across the Ages, Jeanne’s options to support her army evolve, offering a number of strategic pathways.
Born in 1412, Jeanne d’Arc inspired the French nation to rise against tyranny. In their darkest hour, the French people looked to Jeanne as a symbol of courage and strength as she fought alongside and inspired troops to victory.

Playing as Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne d’Arc’s presence on the battlefield is far reaching, featuring abilities that deal damage, heal allies, and inspire villagers and soldiers alike. Progress Jeanne through four levels, with each tier offering a new choice that enables Jeanne d’Arc to support her army.
In the Dark Age, Jeanne takes the role of a villager who gains experience by constructing buildings and gathering resources. Once level 2 is reached, Jeanne d’Arc must choose her path – equipping a sword or bow to fight with and unlocking several new abilities which can turn the tides of battle.
From Level 2 and on, Jeanne d’Arc gains experience by engaging in combat. By late game, Jeanne has completed the Journey of a Hero and is fielding large armies supported by her powerful abilities and companions.
Jeanne d'Arc's Companions at a Glance

Jeanne’s Champion
An elite melee unit skilled at countering enemy spearmen, the Champion’s incredible durability makes it an excellent front-line unit. Jeanne’s Champion becomes available once Jeanne reaches Level 3 and is stronger when in close proximity to Jeanne d’Arc.

Jeanne’s Rider
A fast light cavalry unit with exceptional ranged armor. The Rider charges into battle at Jeanne’s side ready to run down any crossbowmen forces nearby. Jeanne’s Rider becomes available once Jeanne reaches Level 3 and is stronger when in close proximity to Jeanne d’Arc.

Jeanne’s Champion
An elite melee unit skilled at countering enemy spearmen, the Champion’s incredible durability makes it an excellent front-line unit. Jeanne’s Champion becomes available once Jeanne reaches Level 3 and is stronger when in close proximity to Jeanne d’Arc.

Jeanne’s Rider
A fast light cavalry unit with exceptional ranged armor. The Rider charges into battle at Jeanne’s side ready to run down any crossbowmen forces nearby. Jeanne’s Rider becomes available once Jeanne reaches Level 3 and is stronger when in close proximity to Jeanne d’Arc.
Jeanne d’Arc's Levels

Level 1
At level 1, Jeanne has the basic abilities of gathering, building, and repairing. From these humble beginnings, Jeanne d’Arc will pursue the Journey of a Hero by gaining experience, leveling up, and gaining access to improved combat power and impactful abilities.

Level 2
At level 2, Jeanne can choose to become an archer or a woman-at-arms, gaining an ability based on this choice. Jeanne d’Arc also gains additional abilities such as Divine Restoration, which heals nearby allies for a percentage of their missing health.

Level 3
At level 3, Jeanne d’Arc mounts a horse for combat while retaining her weapon of choice. She also chooses her companion units for the rest of the game, either Jeanne’s Riders or Jeanne’s Champions. The selected companion will be summoned via the Rally Call ability and becomes available to train at Keeps.

Level 4
At level 4 Jeanne has completed the Journey of the Hero. Now, Jeanne wields a heavy cannon based on her weapon choice. Her Rally Call ability produces additional units, Jeanne d’Arc’s companions are upgraded to Elite, and she gains a powerful ultimate ability.